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I first fell in love with nerdy girl sex videos when I dated a girl in high school that everybody was passing on. She was a hidden gem. Her hair was wrong, her clothes were wrong and she didn’t know how to do her makeup for shit. I hooked her up with a friend of mine that did have these skills down pat. After a mini-transformation she was one of the hottest girls on campus.
Being passed over for so long meant she was hornier than a toad on Tuesday. She needed a good solid cock inside her tightness. I was just the guy to give her the bone she so desperately needed.
Only she was a kinky bitch. She wanted me to rub oil into her feet while she wore a red pair of satin panties under her skirt. I could just make them out every once in a while if I moved her feet around to get the angle. Then she told me to take off my pants. When I asked her why it was so that she wouldn’t get oil all over them!
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