Every guy with a Wired magazine subscription or an obsession with electronic gear dreams of having sex with a female geek like the babe in this jerkoff instruction video. Some even fantasize about just getting the instruction, no physical contact involved. I know I do!
My love of geeks was born when I had a teacher in school that wore glasses and looked hotter than fuck. She was in her twenties and she taught science. We all wanted to bang her, but the geeks of the school felt as though they should have first dibs with her being one of their own.
Later on I met a girl in college that was younger than me, but thought she was older than everybody on account of her being so darn smart. She also wore glasses.
One night we were the remaining ones still up after a party and she asked me if I wanted to find a vacant room. Once inside she asked me to get naked. I quickly removed my clothes and looked up to find her still clothed. She told me to lie down on the bed. Then she told me to hold my cock.
As the night progressed she gave me instructions on jerking off for her while grilling me about my sex life. This chick was dirty. Super dirty in the mind. I was shocked as shit by the stuff she spouted out of her mouth. At one point she wanted me to self suck for her!
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